Common Misconceptions & Real Meaning of Buddhist Meditation

Common Misconceptions about Buddhist Meditation
There are many people out there who falsely believe that Buddhist meditation is similar to practicing Buddhism, the religion. However, the truth is that it is just based on the principles and philosophies of Buddhism. While the Buddhism is based on the teachings of Lord Buddha, Buddhist meditation is all about increasing your concentration and control on your mind. You may also find many people saying that the Buddhist meditation is all about hypnosis and going into trance but again it is just a misconception due to the extraordinary amount and intensity of concentration required in practicing the Buddhist meditation.

The Real Meaning of Buddhist Meditation
The real meaning of Buddhist Meditation is practicing meditation by using the core meditation techniques preserved in the ancient Buddhist texts. These meditation techniques are aimed at achieving several objectives such as mindfulness, supramundane powers, tranquility and insight. Also, there are specific Buddhist meditation techniques to remove bad qualities which can obstruct your journey to spirituality. For example:
  • Love and Kindness to remove ill-will, hate, anger etc.
  • Equanimity to remove mental clinging
  • Meditation on Parts of Body/Death to remove sensual lust and cultivate impermanence
While the Buddhist meditation is undoubtedly a great way to achieve spiritual growth, it’s not a religious tool to achieve spirituality exclusively but just a practice of controlling your mind and allowing your body to relax.  The ultimate goal of Buddhist meditation is to achieve Nirvana, the highest state of life where an individual is free of all kind of misery and strife. Hence, choosing Buddhist meditation is a very personal choice to attain Nirvana/Enlightenment and get your mind, body, and soul in perfect harmony. It has nothing to do with practicing the Buddhism religion.

How to Practice Buddhist Meditation?
In order to practice Buddhist meditation, the guidance of a Buddhist Meditation expert is highly recommended. However, if you can’t find one, there is no need to worry. Heal My Life is a great mobile app which allows you to practice Buddhist meditation from the comfort of your home.

Heal My Life | Sound Meditation, Mindfulness, Breathing App, Subliminal Affirmations

You can download Heal My Life app for Android or Heal My Life app for iOS to meditate by listening to various Buddhist chants of Lama Tashi – a former Principal Chant Master of the Dalai Lama’s Drepung Loseling Monastery. The app can be also used to do various breathing exercises and hear subliminal affirmations to relieve a wide range of diseases and achieve different goals in life.

To know more about Heal My Life app, visit


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